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Phi Tram T
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All | News | Filings
Date Filed | Type | Description |
04/11/2022 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Granted 94 shares
@ $91.2645, valued at
Granted 28,127 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
03/17/2022 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 1,851 shares
@ $73.24, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 764 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
01/07/2022 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Gifted 2,611 shares
@ $0 Gifted 2,185 shares
@ $0 Gifted 213 shares
@ $0 |
12/16/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 2,570 shares
@ $144.46, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 764 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
10/27/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Gifted 13,395 shares
@ $0 Gifted 170 shares
@ $0 Sold 1,500 shares
@ $281.57, valued at
Gifted 13,395 shares
@ $0 Gifted 85 shares
@ $0 |
09/16/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 2,570 shares
@ $267.98, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 763 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
06/16/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 2,192 shares
@ $257.26, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 735 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
06/11/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Granted 12,219 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
03/16/2021 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 1,552 shares
@ $210.34, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
12/16/2020 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Paid exercise price by delivering 2,191 shares
@ $228.33, valued at
Exercised 3,683 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
09/17/2020 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Exercised 15,960 shares
@ $202.95, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 6,992 shares
@ $202.95, valued at
Exercised 14,732 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 734 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
06/11/2020 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Granted 11,748 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
07/12/2019 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on DOCUSIGN, INC.
| Granted 58,928 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
06/18/2019 |
| Phi Tram T (SVP, General Counsel) has filed a Form 3 on DOCUSIGN, INC. |
01/11/2019 |
| Phi Tram T (Chief Legal Officer) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Disposed/sold 86,812 shares
@ $0 Granted 11,800 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 11,800 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 3,407 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 4,894 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 2,543 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 2,187 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 1,278 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 10,000 restricted stock units
@ $0 Disposed/sold 5,829 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 2,237 options to buy
@ $54.66, valued at
11/19/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Chief Legal Officer) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Paid exercise price by delivering 236 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 179 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 189 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 220 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 76 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 89 shares
@ $55.88, valued at
Exercised 681 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 516 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 544 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 635 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 219 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
08/17/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Chief Legal Officer) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Paid exercise price by delivering 236 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 179 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 189 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 220 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 76 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 89 shares
@ $45.6, valued at
Exercised 681 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 516 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 544 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 636 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 219 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
08/07/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Granted 5,829 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
05/17/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Paid exercise price by delivering 236 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 179 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 188 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 220 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 303 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 89 shares
@ $47.45, valued at
Exercised 681 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 516 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 543 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 636 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 875 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
02/16/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Paid exercise price by delivering 409 shares
@ $46, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 243 shares
@ $46, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 174 shares
@ $46, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 220 shares
@ $46, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 747 shares
@ $46, valued at
Granted 10,000 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 1,000 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 682 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 515 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 636 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 2,175 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
02/08/2018 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Granted 5,086 restricted stock units
@ $0 Granted 2,046 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
11/16/2017 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Paid exercise price by delivering 376 shares
@ $40.65, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 256 shares
@ $40.65, valued at
Paid exercise price by delivering 194 shares
@ $40.65, valued at
Exercised 1,000 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 681 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 516 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
08/16/2017 |
| Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities: |
05/16/2017 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC |
04/27/2017 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Granted 3,500 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
02/16/2017 |
| Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities |
02/08/2017 |
| Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities |
11/16/2016 |
| Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities |
08/16/2016 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Exercised 937 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 1,000 restricted stock units
@ $0 Exercised 3,633 restricted stock units
@ $0 |
05/17/2016 |
| Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities |
08/14/2013 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Sold 5,000 shares
@ $46, valued at
Exercised 5,000 options to buy
@ $10.7, valued at
05/29/2013 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Sold 5,000 shares
@ $40.25, valued at
Exercised 5,000 options to buy
@ $10.7, valued at
05/21/2013 |
| Phi Tram T (Senior VP & General Counsel) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Sold 750 shares
@ $39.5, valued at
11/30/2012 |
| Phi Tram T (VP,General Counsel & Secretary) has filed a Form 4 on IMPERVA INC
| Sold 17,500 shares
@ $29.34, valued at
Sold 5,968 shares
@ $30, valued at
Exercised 17,500 options to buy
@ $10.7, valued at
Exercised 5,968 options to buy
@ $10.7, valued at