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Semtech Brings LoRaWAN® Expertise to Global Smart Grid Standards Forum
NEW DELHI & CAMARILLO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a high-performance semiconductor, Internet of Things (IoT) systems and cloud connectivity service provider, announced that Rémi Demerlé, marketing director of Semtech's LoRa® ecosystem, will deliver a keynote address at the 9th IEC-IEEE-BIS Smart Energy Standardization Coordination Workshop during India Smart Utility Week (ISUW) 2025. The session, “Emerging Smart Energy Technologies and Standardization Landscape...
Mitsubishi Electric to Ship Samples of 3.6-4.0GHz, 16W GaN Power Amplifier Module for 5G Massive MIMO Base Stations
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today that it will begin shipping samples of a new 16W-average-power gallium nitride (GaN) power amplifier module (PAM) for 5G massive MIMO (mMIMO) base stations on March 25. This PAM product, which operates in the 3.6-4.0GHz band, can be widely deployed in North America and East and Southeast Asia. As 5G networks expand from urban centers to regional areas, mMIMO base stations, especially 32T32R mMIMO base stations...
mimik Brings the AI Continuum to NVIDIA GTC 2025: The 5th Element of AI is Here
OAKLAND, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Our physical world is converging with its digital extension. mimik is where the new worlds converge! The digital industry is shifting from millions of mobile apps to billions of AI agents and services, fueling the new agentic economy. But how do these AI-powered entities, both digital and physical, seamlessly integrate, autonomously discover, collaborate securely, and operate with sustainable efficiency? The answer is mimik: The 5th Element. AI Continuum. At NV...
Cloudflare bringt die erste Cloud-native quantensichere Zero-Trust-Lösung der Branche voran
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), das führende Unternehmen für Konnektivitäts-Clouds, gab heute bekannt, dass es die End-to-End-Unterstützung für Post-Quanten-Kryptographie auf seine Zero-Trust-Network-Access-Lösung ausweitet. Ab sofort können Unternehmen die Kommunikation von Webbrowsern zu Unternehmens-Webanwendungen sicher weiterleiten, um sofort eine durchgängige quantensichere Konnektivität zu erhalten. Bis Mitte 2025 wird Cloudflare diese Unterstützung auf alle...
H2SITE und SNAM kooperieren bei innovativem, ARERA-gefördertem Projekt zur Trennung von Wasserstoff und Erdgas
BILBAO, Spanien--(BUSINESS WIRE)--H2SITE, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Trenn- und Transportlösungen für Wasserstoff, hat seine Zusammenarbeit mit SNAM, einem der wichtigsten Energieinfrastrukturbetreiber Europas, bei der Entwicklung eines innovativen Projekts zur Trennung von Wasserstoff- und Erdgasgemischen bekannt gegeben. Im Rahmen dieser Initiative hat H2SITE einen Membranabscheider mit Pd-Legierung entwickelt, der Wasserstoff in Konzentrationen von 2 % bis 10 % extrahieren kann...
H2SITE e SNAM collaborano a un innovativo progetto di separazione del gas naturale e dell'idrogeno promosso da ARERA
BILBAO, Spagna--(BUSINESS WIRE)--H2SITE, azienda leader nella tecnologia di separazione dell'idrogeno e nelle soluzioni per il suo trasporto, ha annunciato la sua collaborazione con SNAM, uno dei principali operatori europei di infrastrutture energetiche, al fine di sviluppare un progetto innovativo incentrato sulla separazione di miscele di idrogeno e gas naturale. Nell'ambito di questa iniziativa, H2SITE ha sviluppato un separatore a membrana in lega di palladio, in grado di estrarre l'idroge...
La China Eastern inaugura una nuova rotta internazionale! Volo diretto Shanghai-Abu Dhabi dal 28 aprile
SHANGHAI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Secondo quanto appreso dalla China Eastern, a partire dal 28 aprile, la compagnia aerea lancerà il volo diretto di andata e ritorno Shanghai-Pudong - Abu Dhabi degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, attuando un accordo di code-sharing con la compagnia di bandiera locale Etihad Airways. China Eastern diventa così la prima compagnia aerea cinese ad operare su questa tratta. I voli MU237/238 della rotta Shanghai-Abu Dhabi avranno frequenza quadrisettimanale, con partenza da Shanghai...
EverGen Infrastructure Corp. Announces Sale of Real Property by Fraser Valley Biogas Ltd.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EverGen Infrastructure Corp. (“EverGen” or the “Company”) (TSXV: EVGN) announces that Fraser Valley Biogas Ltd. (the “Vendor”), a subsidiary of the Company, entered into a purchase and sale agreement (the “Agreement”) with 2065947 Alberta Ltd. and James Betts (collectively, the “Purchasers”) in connection with the disposition of the land on which the Fraser Valley Bio Gas Project operates (the “Property”) for a total purchase price of $2,620,000.00...
Klick Health Acquires Ward6 Singapore
SINGAPORE & TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AdvertisingHealth’s Most-Awarded Agency buys Singapore healthcare marketing agency to provide the best capabilities to life sciences clients in APAC...
IDA Ireland Recommits to Silicon Valley and U.S. Innovation, Moves West Coast HQ to Palo Alto
PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IDA Ireland, the foreign direct investment arm of the Irish government, announced it is deepening its West Coast presence in extending its 40-year presence in California by moving its office to Palo Alto, at the heart of Silicon Valley and American innovation. The FDI sector, established and embedded in Ireland, is a national asset that has been transformative for the economy and the people of Ireland, accounting for 11% of total national employment and expen...